Largest Private Party Dealer Auction

We Only Auction Private Party & Franchise Dealer Trades
Available Only To Licensed Automotive Dealerships

Why BestBid Auto Auctions?

BestBid Auto Auction offers a full range of remarketing services including transportation, reconditioning, inspections, an inventory management system, and BidNet, our internet auction platform. BestBid Auto Auction remarkets vehicles for franchised fresh trades and direct private party inventory.

Each auction listing includes a free CarFax & AutoCheck along with a detailed CR (Condition Report)

Make BestBid Auto Auction your one-stop independent auction platform.

Frequently Asked Questions 

How does this work?

It's simple. You must be a bonded and licensed Automotive Dealership. Please contact us to sign up to purchase units.

Where do you operate?

We're currently active across the United States, with plans to expand to Canada in 2022. Auctions are held weekly online Monday 1pm to 4pm PST

What kind of units can I expect?

We only auction Private Party or Franchise Dealer fresh trades.

Are there any hidden fees?

No. Just a set buy fee and set sell fee based on selling price.

Want more inventory?

In order to access our online auction platform to purchase inventory you must be a verified bonded and licensed automotive dealership. The auction is not open to the general public.

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